Your Stay at Castlecrag Private Hospital
When you Arrive
Please check in at the Front Reception in the Main Foyer. Our reception staff will direct you to the ward. A nurse will assess your health and outline the care plan as indicated by your specialist.
Your Accommodation
The accommodation at Castlecrag is modern and comfortable. Each private room has a flat screen TV.
We endeavour to provide all patients with a private room when requested. However, there may be occasions when this is not possible. If this happens, we will transfer you to a private room as soon as one becomes available.
Mobile Phones
Mobiles may be used in your room and all public areas whilst kept on silent for the comfort of other patients. Castlecrag Private Hospital does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to your mobile phone.
Bedside telephones are available for personal use. Local calls are free. To get an outside line please dial 0 and then the number you are calling.
Every patient has access to a remote control colour television in their room with commercial TV and radio stations.
Personal Items
It is strongly recommended that you do not bring jewellery or large amounts of money to the hospital other than for payment on admission.
The hospital takes every care, but regrettably cannot accept liability for any valuable items brought to the hospital. Therefore it is advisable that only a small amount of cash be held for the purchase of incidentals.
Castlecrag Private Hospital is a totally smoke-free environment in line with NSW Health legislation.
Lounge Areas
Lounge areas are provided for patients, their families and friends. Tea and coffee are provided.
Parking is free in the onsite car park at the hospital. Street parking is also available.
Visiting Hours
Visiting hours are 10.00 am – 8.00 pm, 7 days a week.
Members of your immediate family are required to check with nursing staff about visits outside of these hours.
Meals are served at the following times:
Breakfast 7.30 am – 8.00 am
Lunch 12.30 pm – 1.00 pm
Dinner 5.30 pm – 6.00 pm
Morning and afternoon tea are provided.
Pharmacy services
Pharmacy services for Castlecrag Private Hospital are provided by North Shore Private Hospital Pharmacy. Deliveries are made twice a day. Medication reviews for patients on the medical ward are performed weekly by the pharmacist. The pharmacist is available to answer any of your questions about medication management.
Recommended reading
Falls Prevention |
Pressure Injury Prevention |
IV Cannula |
Patient and consumer centred care |
Preventing Blood Clots |
VTE Consumer |
Charter of Healthcare Rights |
Mistakes can happen
with your medicines |
Patient Information Receiving
Antibiotics in Hospital |
The Ramsay Rule |